UNIVERSAL solution for remote diagnosis.
Independent Remote Advance Diagnosis
Abbiamo sviluppato una soluzione UNIVERSALE che consente all’autoriparatore di rendersi completamente indipendente dal concessionario ufficiale e di farlo senza essere vincolato all’utilizzo di uno specifico strumento diagnostico aftermarket. Tutto ciò, grazie al nostro FIX Remote.
OBD Connection
WI-FI Connection
Ethernet Connection
LED Connection Status
Connect your FIX REMOTE to the vehicle via OSB socket.
Automatic vehicle recognition with intervention type request.
VCI remote connection with official factory diagnostic and programmer.
With the support of FIX Remote, you can connect remotely with our technicians and thus enjoy the same diagnostic capabilities as the original tools.
Some functions of
Fix Remote:
FIX REMOTE can really simplify your work, with considerable gain in time and money.
Here you can tell us how and when you would like our consultant to contact you for more information.